Thoughts from a tree

About Me

I am the writer of several romantic fantasy novels and short stories in a variety of speculative fiction genres. I particularly love writing stories that are fairy-tale-esque. I also tend to write autistic characters (whether or not its stated) and my romance is usually either asexual or fade to black.

I am a member of the Science Fiction Writers of America and Codex Writers.

I worked in IT at AOL and Disney for many years each. I’ve also worked as a horse groom, a zoo animal technician, and in billing at a utility company.

I was diagnosed with autism as an adult and have recently figured out that I’m a romantic asexual.

I suffer from a number of chronic issues, including Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, PCOS, IBS, and allergies to far too many substances that are used in common household products and fabrics (Basically, my immune system hates me).

I tie-dye nearly everything I own (lucky for me, the few fabrics I can wear are also the ones that take the dye the best).

I hate running, but was once talked into doing several RunDisney races, including the “Dopey” series of races, which includes a full marathon (I will never do a full marathon again).

I also enjoy horse-back riding, singing karaoke, playing games of many types (computer, video, board, card, etc.), and spoiling our cats.

After spending ten years in WV/VA, I’ve moved back to a place where I’ll never see snow (thankfully), near my hometown of Gainesville, FL (Go Gators!)

I’m very fond of paranthetical statements (in case you didn’t notice).

Short Bio:

Evergreen Lee prefers the speculative world to reality. Her too many hobbies include gaming, spoiling cats, tie-dyeing everything, and searching for unicorns. Her short fiction has appeared in a variety of venues, including ZNB Presents, Factor Four and Orion’s Belt. She very occasionally blogs at